4D texts

Instructions on how to read 4D text

4D immersive books4D-texts are one of the technologies of Collective Mind

They help connect the many meanings processed by the collective mind into a coherent whole. 
The name arose logically:

  • We call an ordinary text 2D.
  • A text that has "depths" where you can deepen your knowledge is 3D.
  • 4D texts are alive (any reader can complete them).

To make 4D texts easier to understand, it is useful to compare the new with the familiar. 

How 4D-texts are similar to Wikipedia materials

First, about the familiar. We all use Wikipedia. And most of us know that you can add new details to any topic with your own hands. That is, everyone can be an author.

Each wikipedia page is a separate block with a specific subject or object of description. Okay.

When we intend to define societal issues, however, we are faced with excessive multidirectionality of the subject matter. Only science deals with pure topics in a narrow circle of definitions and connections. What about public topics, tasks, problems? Here there are as many participants, as many points of view, as many causes and effects. 

How 4D texts are NOT similar to wikipedia material

New! RIZOMMA allows an almost unlimited number of people to join the discussion of a topic in a free form at a time convenient for you.

The first level, unlike my idea, is not a superficial presentation, but the main points. And if you want to discuss, to find out the origin of the thought, you open the plus and deal only with what is interesting.

Thus, the essence of the issue is very briefly stated, and the human factor (support, uncertainty, probability, communication, substitution of concepts, etc., etc.) is presented separately.

Indeed, everything is systematized and saves time.

From Eugenia's comment

One topic can bring together people from different religious, scientific, social or political backgrounds - everyone sees a different side of an issue and participates in their own knowledge. Therefore, the RIZOMMA "mushroom" covers issues comprehensively and on different levels.

Each |+| that you encounter in the text of a discussion will reveal evidence for a claim or detail or source or illustration or video about a particular aspect of the topic. What will be the end product of multiple explanations and thoughts? It will be the product of the moderator's work, concentrated to the point of self-regulation of the problem.

The unusual thing about public topics is that there will never be a final solution! Every day life adds new changes of conditions and the "mushroom" of Rizomma grows in all directions. To comprehend all levels of a certain topic will be easier for people inclined to analyze. However, people with a light worldview may be interested only in individual branches of this intelligent tree. Finding them is easy: click the |+| symbol on the keyword that catches your interest.

4D books — "immersive" books, description from rhizome:

 4D information representation technology

In order to present to the society the results of collective thought activity |+| Collective Mind |+| has developed a 4D |+|-form |+| of knowledge presentation to the society |+|.
This form allows us to compile|+| a GENERAL |+| answer |+| on a topic, in which, due to its complex structure |+| each person takes his or her own individual route of reading |+| and gets an answer for him or herself. In this way, each person as quickly as possible |+| finds in the answer compact |+|, clear, true, necessary for him personally information  |+| and knowledge |+|.
There is no one-size-fits-all simple answer, just as there is no one-size-fits-all answer in life |+|. The way of getting an answer changes from passive to active|+|.
The 4D book is available to everyone |+| and open to additions and comments (crowdsourcing |+|), and its contents can be used by everyone quite freely|+| .
The number of potentially possible ways of reading is very large|+| .

How 4D text is organized and how it is formed

4D-text |+| at any level satisfies the following requirements: to be compact |+|, coherent|+| and logical. There is no need to read all the attachments|+|, everyone chooses what he is interested in|+|. This saves time to find the necessary information, and the user always remains interested|+|. An understanding |+| and an integral vision of reality |+| is formed
Integral 4D texts are created by the whole society|+|. High quality text is not achieved by careful checking |+| at the moment of inclusion, but by multiple checks by subsequent readers|+| who understand the issue and want to improve the overall |+| result.
Collective Mind  |+| technology is used to organize the process. The text is worked on by |+| and specialized skills |+| human neurons of the CM, which make up 2-5% of the total number of |+| people involved.

These texts are not frozen and final |+|; they can be improved  |+| commented on immediately within the text.

A good example of a 4D text is the integral|+| 4D movie review. Its production was used to practice the technologies of obtaining integral knowledge.

Prospects of technology development

4D-text technology can be used in education to create educational knowledge bases|+|, for collective extensive research and crowdsourcing projects|+|, for independent formation of worldview |+|, for quick understanding and development in today's world |+|.
Prospects for the development of 4D immersion technology

4D-texts are a new form of human communication, a revolution in social practices|+|. In the sphere of self-organization of the society, especially complex and conflicting systemic issues can be collectively solved |+|.

4D-texts are the language of Collective Mind (CM)|+|, in which CM gives answers to the questions of the society.

The answer of the CM is the same for everyone, but each reader perceives it individually |+|. This is already used for co-organizing the actions of large masses of people |+|.

Infographics and 4D texts can be used to provide super-fast and easy access to both business information |+| and human knowledge |+|.
Technology is used to enable people with a wide range of competencies from different fields to work together to solve problems  |+|.

It is possible to use 4D texts in post-scientific knowledge and applications +|. The authors of articles and scientists can promote their developments with their help |+| without forgetting that the main thing is the general result |+|.

Now the system of OPEN GENERAL KNOWLEDGE is being formed - the semantic memory of the society, in the future it can be used for storing personal trajectories |+| (memory of each person) |+| in this space of knowledge.

Коллективный Разум, путь к единому человечествуCollective Mind as
the path to a unified humanity