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We are pleased to welcome you to the COLLECTIVE MIND website.

• Irina Zhiginas, the developer of this site,
• Katerina Shushpanova, translator into Ukrainian.
Portal PROSTIR ZLAGODI (Consent Space) is an online project created by Sergey Zhiginas on December 14, 2012
on the Rhizome engine, on which the Collective Mind is formed as a path to a single humanity.
The project is characterized in that the work is done by an OPEN NETWORK without borders, and not by a fixed group of people.
Taking part in the work: activists, scientists, politicians, officials - everyone who understands that something needs to be done...
Not limited to the territory of Ukraine - the issues of WORK of the collective mind are discussed with us by citizens of Russia, the USA, and EU countries.
Day after day, our team is working on
to help active citizens learn how to work for the public good.
And as a result, learn to create a future in which Ukraine will be a single and strong power,
the international community will be able to work out consensus decisions on any issues
people will learn to agree on important issues
as a result, humanity will cease to kill the Earth - the medium of its promise!
Our Mission is to teach the collective thinking of all who turn to us.