Resources for Change

Resources for Change

The question of the resource of changes (which are coming upon us, upon each country separately and upon the world as a whole) has been analyzed by the Collective Mind and it turned out that this resource is quite voluminous, which gives us hope to look into the future with optimism.

In order to be a subject and not an object of change (i.e. to take action itself and not to be an "object" in someone else's hands), civil society (and every person!) needs to realize and master the resources of this process. 

This information applies to any country, whether it is in Europe, America or Asia (although the discussion was based on Ukraine).

 There are 45 million people in Ukraine. Now people are used by oligarchs as an electorate, a source of enrichment and, sometimes, as "cannon fodder" |+|.

But that 45 million |+| is a huge potential for the transformation of the country |+|,  which is now very under-utilized.|+|
A powerful resource for transformation is the human trait of REASOMABLENESS |+|, individually and collectively. People, as rational beings, are capable of EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION  |+| and joint action, if they use ORGANIZATION and INTERACTION |+|. Now the resource of reasonableness is very underutilized. |+|
The resource, which in Ukraine is even more than in countries living under established rules and laws, is the DIVERSITY |+| of people, their thoughts, experience, skills, their creative potential.|+|
The driving force that moves people to action is the MOTIVATION |+| to begin the process of transforming|+| the country.
TRUST |+|, a valuable resource, is still in short supply, but there are ways to renew it, and it is all about technology.
The untapped potential and resources for change in a country are many times greater than the resistance that the system  |+| is or can offer. But even the energy of resistance |+| can also be harnessed to move forward
By using social technologies on these types of resources, Ukraine and the world will have ways to solve civilizational problems.

Collective mind

Collective Mind

In addition to this "prefabricated" 4D response, providing insight into resources for change, the questions addressed are:


  • ​What is a resource |+|
  • List of resources|+|
  • Utilizing and obtaining resources  by CM|+|
  • Resources for Change in Ukraine |+|
  • Starting the process of change |+|

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