Vizions of rizzoma

Since 2013, Collective Mind (CM) has been growing on the internet on the engine, and many of our friends have come to associate CM with the word RIZOMA.

What is RIZOMA?

Rhizome is an idea of postmodern philosophy that describes a way of organizing wholeness. Rhizome does not have a rigid structure and does not follow a linear order; it allows information to change and develop freely, revealing creative potential and the possibility of self-adjustment

An AI-adapted representation of rhizome taken from the dictionary of postmodern philosophy.

PRESENTATIONS OF RIZOM “through the eyes of passersby”, as well as programmers and creators of the Collective Mind

In October 2024, there was an online discussion on Rizoma / CM as a platform for solving socially important problems.

... Rizzoma claims to be a means of collaboratively creating a completed knowledge base that will be preserved and revisited.

The main difference between Rizzoma and other online communication tools is its:

  • It is not linear (examples of linear data are a forum post feed, a messenger dialog, a chain of emails; the messages are sequential, it is difficult to manipulate, supplement and recompose the data).
  • Communicationand of Rizoma online structurs presentation of data. A structured document allows you to quickly navigate to a desired portion of the document, opening up details as needed.

... Rizzoma has quite a few twists. Because the topics here are clearly structured, you can quickly minimize entire sections of discussion and even view the discussion in mind-map mode.
This is really handy, as it allows you to quickly delve into the content and find the right parts without having to scroll through long discussion feeds.
The service needs to be studied, and it is unlikely that you will be able to work effectively right away.
But to master it, you need a more or less motivated team with common interests and purpose....   No 12 (619) 2013 стр. 53!!

The main thing from the discussion of rhizome as a platform of the “Space of harmony” - the place where the CM is located and developed, from the comments to it on FB, impressions and conclusions of different people (both uninitiated in the work, but active members of society - “passers-by”, and the creators of the Collective Mind):  


1. A library, a repository of thoughts

Introduction of “passers-by”:

At first glance, Rhizome looks like a huge collection of different thoughts, structured articles and discussions that are somehow organized and brought into a system.
Those who know that all this is collected from discussions and comments in social networks, youtube, Telegram and other open sources, knowing the often low quality of primary sources, PREPARE that this archive will also be of low quality.

Explanation of CM:

Rhizome is a dynamic system, as if created to collect and structure different ideas and thoughts (we have mostly on socially important issues). But, unlike a library, thoughts are not just accumulated, but dynamically changing, as the idea of rhizome is to create an “intellectual mushroom”, which has no rigid hierarchy or fixed structures, but develops due to interrelations and interactions between opinions, ideas and their authors.

An example of assemblage is the work of Collective Mind “Ukraine after Victory”

2. Forum, a means of communication

Introduction of “passers-by”:
Those who have gotten to know Rhizome better perceive it already as a moderated science forum where hyperlinks (like in Wikipedia) are actively used. Similar to social networking sites, “passersby” think that the purpose of Rhizome is to serve as a base for discussion and exchange of opinions.

Explanation of KR:
Unlike the forum, in Rhizome everything changes over time. Ideas and meanings from different sources are actively collected there, information is being rethought and updated. In addition, in Rhizome from the meanings of dozens of very different publications and discussions are built up GENERAL COLLECTIONS, where the most different ideas on this topic and on each issue are located in one place, which allows you to compare them with each other and make an independent decision, find answers to your questions. 

3. Constructing a decision map

Vizions of “passers-by”:
The most astute or those who have gotten to know Rhizome a little deeper have noticed that there is a DECISION MAP being built there, which can be further worked with. 

CR Explanation:

Yes, “trees of meanings” (assemblies) and 4D-texts (which users haven't really gotten to yet) give an opportunity to see a problem or task in a three-dimensional way - both in its entirety and in details. The fact that there is no one-size-fits-all solution - everyone finds his or her own unique answer in this complex system of knowledge is also unusual. 

4. Difficulties and challenges of utilization

CM Explanation:
Despite the potential of the system, many have noted difficulties in mastering it. The problem is that rhizome (like anything new) is difficult for the untrained user.

The user is faced with a number of difficulties, the main ones being:

  • abundance of textual material, which may frighten the user
  • structured information requires active search in Rhizome 
  • misunderstanding of the principles of the general knowledge system and its structure
  • the apparent absence of people, arguments, discussions is disconcerting (the user will have to get to this level) 
  • there is no plan (Rhizome develops freely and naturally, like a fungus)
  • the system requires a large amount of resources and memory to handle large topics.

In addition, users note the lack of monetization of the system, which deprives them of enthusiasm.

5. Questions asked

“Passers-by” asked many different questions: technical, about the purpose, about the purpose, about the field of application, etc. 
Alas, it is impossible to answer all the questions in a short article, and one should still be able to understand the answers. To get better acquainted with Rizoma there is

You can view the whole topic here: